

I think it's ignorant how almost every young person thinks it's cool to drink and/or do drugs. It's really not even cool. The same thing I've been telling my friends for atleast 3 years now, they are now realizing.

"I recently found out that getting high isn't cool anymore"

ARE YOU SERIOUS?! It was NEVER cool. Why can't people just live life & have a good time without shit like alcohol & weed? It sucks that I have to distance myself from people just because they can't simply live life. It doesn't make any sense.


secret love notes said...

i know exactly how you feel.
it sucks. blah. people suck dude.

Anonymous said...

im real proud of you for actually realizing that,mama
it shows a lot of maturity in you. Youngin's these days will do whatever makes them seem to fit in the crowd... and the other sad part is... even people MY age still act that way like their in high school....