I been trying out this make up thing. I guess I kind of like it. I'm not so good, yet. Hopefully in due time, I will get better. Here's something a did last week.

I been trying out this make up thing. I guess I kind of like it. I'm not so good, yet. Hopefully in due time, I will get better. Here's something a did last week.
at 3:01 AM
See, I told you the more you do it the better you get :P You can also try wetting your applicator (the lil spounge/brush thing) a tiny bit before you put it on..it makes the colors stand out more :D
Nice (;
it looks good to me, i`ve been trying too, i didn`t any photos of it . but i`ve been trying , that blue is nice . . especially with your eye color i seen some photos down on your blog nice eyes. oh and your friend . . the one you were posing with i love her eye shadow !
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