

Have you ever had to make a really hard decision about someone in your life?
Have you ever had to actually think about whether that person should be in your life or not?
What if that person means a lot to you and it's a lose lose situation with them in your life and without them.
What do you do then?

I realize that sometimes people will go through loops and hurdles for a person that they care about, but won't get the same attention. Why do people continue to do that?

I do this all the time. Why do I sit and let friends and people in my life that don't act like they want to be there? They act like I'm just the next stranger on the street. When people act like that, there's obviously going to be issues. So, why do I keep letting the person/people stay in my life, and deal with all that excess negativity?

I guess it just really sucks when you care about someone so much, but they don't act like they feel the same. They may even say it, and may even try to stress that "it's not what you think" blah blah.

So...is it a game? Or am I REALLY over-analyzing?

Who know!

All I know is that, I hate making decisions like this, but it seems like they always come up. I guess it's just a part of the whole growth process, and making things better for yourself.


iforgotmyname said...

Have you ever had to make a really hard decision about someone in your life?

Have you ever had to actually think about whether that person should be in your life or not?

What do you do then?
I cut(tried) that person out of my life. (it backfired, of course)

Why do people continue to do that?
not everyone is the same as you, I or the next group of people. You know that everyone see's things differently, and that there are two sides to every story. Some people have not grown the way you have and don't have that maturity to see what they do is wrong and if they DO then they are the type of person that just genuinely does not give a shit, and shouldn't be in your life anyway.

So, why do I keep letting the person/people stay in my life, and deal with all that excess negativity?
because you care. (good person, you are) honestly its not a bad thing. but you have to teach yourself to let go if you feel you need to, because its kind of hard.

So...is it a game? Or am I REALLY over-analyzing?
maybe. 50/50. either or. BUT if some person is constantly causing your pain and junk that you even have to blog about this..you need to figure it out with them and if that fails then they need to walk....or you need to walk. either or.

im the same exact way with all of this in this post...lmao... trippy...