

I always have a problem with emotions.

I feel like so many people these days deceive and don't think twice about it. So what about the real people? With real emotions? Who REALLY care? I wonder if the people who have "empowerment" in these situations actually care.

Anyways, I been talkin to someone as a friend. They give me more than enough attention and keep it real. Except for the fact that they are involved. I'm not involved so, I don't feel wrong, but.... when I stop and think about it.....I am.

I know more than one person can read this and think "Oh..she's talking about me", but I'm probably not.


iforgotmyname said...

What does involved in this context mean?

ThorolGraffiX said...

hmmmmmm. . .

Adina Renée. said...

i know exactly how you feel.